Black Friday has come and gone. The day with the worst name in the 365 day calendar, Black Friday has left retail stores all over the nation in a tizzy of empty shelves and broken spirits. Chances are, you or someone you know participated in the craziness and got some sweet deals. That’s great, but the theme of that day is overindulgence. Played to its natural end, that means you maybe have too much stuff and too much debt. Let’s help you figure out what to do with that.
1. Give It Away
Like the Red Hot Chili Peppers have said, sometimes it’s best to “GIVE IT AWAY, GIVE IT AWAY, GIVE IT AWAY NOW”. You’ve go this huge increase in stuff you probably don’t need. Did you need it before? Are you going to use it now? Probably not. No one needs anything anyway, man. Go to your local shelter or boys club or something that needs stuff. Just give it all away. You’ll have less overall, but you’ll be so much less stressed without all that exta stuff to worry about.
2. Horde It
There’s an alternative philosophy, from the cultural craze Pokemon, that says one is compelled to get everything, distilled to “Gotta Catch ‘Em All!” Indeed, that’s a valid approach to dealing with your Black Friday spoils. Keep all of it every year. Overfill your living space with it. Soon, you’ll have a sizable collection of all sorts of things. All of the things you will ever need. You’ll be awash in the comfort of all your stuff. You will be the ruler of a very messy kingdom.
3. Building Permit
How creative are you? Does your new haul contain Legos? Mega Bloks? K’Nex? Whatever it contains, there’s some productive stuff you can do with it. You can throw it all together into a huge pile. Then, take that pile, and start to take out the big things. Just keep stacking. Soon, your subconscious will have guided you into crafting a master structure. It will be sizable and beautiful. It can be a monument, to either greed or creation. You will be the one building the stuff.
4. Sell
There’s a new way to make bank off of anxious suckers all over the world. It’s called the world wide web, and the kids dig it, man. People go to Black Friday in search of crazy amazing deals all the way to the top. So does everyone else. They miss out. You get the items people want, and sell them for a high price. You can scalp to your heart’s content, and make a pretty penny on the side. There’s no downside to this. You can turn your stuff into more stuff!
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