Friday, February 7, 2014

4 Tips for a Restful Nap

Sometimes you get run down during the day.  It’s ok, everyone goes through it.  Maybe you slept poorly the night before.  Maybe you had horrible nightmares of cosmic horrors while getting the full 8 hours of sleep, thus prolonging your suffering.  Maybe it’s a sunspot messing with your internal magnetism.  No matter what it is, you need a nap.  Napping without proper prep can be dangerous.  Follow these simple tips and you’ll soon be snoozing like a champ, with capital ZZZs.
1.  Light
Light can really mess with your sleeping ability.  Your body has likely been trained not to sleep when there are light sources.  There are a few ways around this.  You could invest in a blindfold, if you don’t mind looking rather silly.  You can just roll down your blinds and go from there.  Maybe invest in a set of blackout shades, aka “vampire” shades and darken your room as much as possible.  This will help you to relax and get a better day’s sleep without eye strain.
2.  Sound
Noise is another concern.  Noise levels are generally higher during the day, especially in a major city or near industrial areas.  It can be hard to sleep with this increased volume, even if you don’t necessarily notice it.  Earplugs are a sure fire way to block out the sounds of the outside world, though they may not be especially comfortable.  Closing doors and windows can help reduce noise levels, but may affect temperatures in the area.  Turn off all TV & radio.
3.  Heat
Some people are incredibly temperature sensitive in their sleep patterns.  Some cannot sleep without a blanket, some cannot sleep without a fan blowing on them.  Daytime sleepiness tends to coincide with higher temperatures, so you need to adjust accordingly.  If you can just sleep in the daytime heat, then enjoy.  Otherwise, feel free to turn on a fan, or blast the AC just enough to lend a cold air to the area.  Close blinds to prevent heat from the sun.
4.  Disorientation
If you’re a heavy sleeper or irregular napper, then a nap may prove initially disorienting.  Not to worry, for this is quite normal.  You need to get back on your feet asap.  Since you’re now well rested, that shouldn’t be too hard.  For one, look at a clock and adjust your temporal expectations.  Maybe enjoy a small cup of coffee or tea to kick start your system.  Some light exercise might improve your senses.  Once you’re up again, you’ll feel ready to conquer the world.

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