Friday, February 7, 2014

5 Tips For Texting Etiquette

Texting is here to stay.  People initially though it was a silly way to pass the time, or a new way of passing notes in class.  Well it turns out people hat talking on the phone.  Texting is just way more convenient.  You don’t have the pressure to respond right away.  You can compose yourself slightly better.  It’s fast and easy and bite sized.  There are some manners assumed with texting, so we’re here to help you if you’re new or unsure.  Welcome to the future of talk.
1.  Shorty
Texting isn’t email.  Nor is it writing.  You are not Dostoevsky.  You are not Dickens.  You are not being paid by the word.  Texting is short and simple and direct.  Keep adjectives and purple prose to a minimum.  That’s not to say that you have to brutally shorten everything, but don’t over do it.  Texting is supposed to be easier than calling, so make sure you’re not typing out something that’d be faster to call about.  Think with your thumbs.
2.  Numbers
Don’t send 5 texts when 1 will do.  Also, unless you’re sure the person you are texting is ok with it, don’t send 2 texts in a row.  That implies impatience or neediness.  Just send the one and wait an acceptable time.  Depending on the person, it could be an hour, or maybe a whole day.  The point is, it’s a written message, it isn’t going anywhere.  Just be patient!  Imagine if you still had to deal with writing letters.  Things don’t seem so bad in comparison.
3.  Frequency
Make sure to take breaks in your texting schedule as well.  Just because someone frequently responds, doesn’t mean they necessarily want to talk to you all the time.  They could just feel obligated to respond to you.  Take a break every so often.  Conversation can be exhausting.  Go chop wood, or read a book or something.  Sometimes you really need to set your phone down for a bit.  Just relax.  You’ll hyperventilate.
4.  Picture This
Picture messages are like texts with pictures, because they are.  Not everything you photograph is interesting enough to share, and you need to accept this.  Some people think they are jut the best photographer, when really they are a kid with a camera.  It’s ok not to share every meal with the world at large.  Not every tree photo is a masterpiece.  Each message is an investment of the recipient’s time, and it would be polite of you not to waste it.
5.  In Good Company
Please don’t text other people while talking to real life people.  It’s ok to shoot off some messages at a conversation break or if it is something important.  It is not ok to try to balance 6 ongoing written conversations while trying to have any amount of real face to face conversations.  The modern era allows us to have divided attentions, but that doesn’t mean you should.  Just try to be a considerate person, it’s really not that hard to do.

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