Friday, February 7, 2014

How to Prevent Computer Viruses

Getting a computer virus is one of the worst experiences you can have.  We depend on our computers so much for everything we do, and a virus can disrupt all that .  It can stop your computer from starting, make it reset, prevent certain programs, or demand that you send money to a certain location.  Thankfully, some preventive measures can stop computer viruses from infecting your computer.  The Nation’s Journal is her to help you keep your computer running fast and efficiently.
1.  Browse Smart
Make sure that you’re not going to any websites that might infect your computer.  Obviously major websites like Facebook and iTunes are going to be safer than many others, since it would seriously hurt their business to have a security breech.  You need to be wary of sites that try to extort money from you, have deceptive “click here” ads, and have a lot of pop ups.  Nothing is truly free, so if you see something that’s too good to be true, make sure you don’t try to click it.
2.  Talking Points
Viruses can also come from spam emails.  Make sure that you don’t reply to any emails you don’t recognize.  Also, if you get an email from a contact that reads strangely or has an unrecognized link, do not click it.  Spambots can often get a hold of someone’s account and then use it to send spam mail to their contacts.  Once again, nothing is free, so don’t trust anything that claims to be giving you free money, has a lot of typos, or is otherwise untrustworthy in its nature.
3.  Regular Checkups
Make sure to treat your computer like your car or your body.  It needs regular checkups to keep it running.  Make sure to get a dependable antvirus software program.  It should also be antimalware and be regularly updatable.  It can be store bought, but some of the best antivirus software is also online for free.  Makes sure that it’s from a legitimate source, and not a virus cleverly disguised as an antvirus.  Keeping your computer under watch can save you lots of money in the future.
4.  Who Ya Gonna Call?
Trust the professionals if something does go belly up with your computer.  Don’t e afraid to try initial troubleshooting on your own.  The internet is full of resources to help you solve your own problems.  If it ends up being something you can’t fix it on your own, don’t let you “friend who is good with computers” try to fix it.  Unless they are a licensed IT professional, chances ae they’re just lucky and stand a chance of messing up your computer even further.  Major retailers have dependable techs who can help you instead.

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