Friday, February 7, 2014

Breathing Easy: Some Quick Facts About Obamacare

Obamacare, more officially known as the Affordable Healthcare Act, is here to stay.  With a heated clash about the healthcare act recently causing the government to come to a grinding halt, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with some facts about it.  The goal of the act is to improve the general health of the population by making healthcare a right more than a privilege.  We’re here to enlighten you with some healthcare wisdom.
1.  Mass Gains
The point of the Affordable Healthcare Act is to improve the quality of life for millions of Americans.  In fact, by 2022, 33 million more Americans will have healthcare that otherwise wouldn’t have.  That’s more than 10% of the population.  This increase in health means an increase in productivity and a stronger nation.
2.  Judgement Day
A huge new step is that insurance companies can no longer discriminate based on preexisting conditions.  That’s not saying anything about potential rates, but the fact stands that no one can be denied coverage.  This is a huge relief to anyone who has had to live with health issues.  It serves as an equality tool.,_February_2009
3.  Smart Money
The law now requires the insurance companies to use 80-85% of the money paid to them for medical costs, not just things like administration or advertising.  By focusing more money onto the actual healthcare, things like executive bonuses are potentially reduced and healthcare costs are kept lower.
4.  For the Ladies
Women get huge new benefits from the Affordable Care Act.  Certain health checks like mammograms and osteoporosis screenings can be obtained for free.  Even so, the law also states that women cannot be charged more than men for insurance.  More importantly, birth control can now be available for free.
5.  Penalty Box
The way the new law works is that you have to carry health insurance or pay a penalty.  The reasoning for this is that since you can buy health insurance at any time, it wouldn’t be fair for you to pay nothing and expect something.  Thankfully, 9/10 of adults have a form of insurance that meets the law.

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