Wrap yourself up in something ugly. In recent years, there’s been a trend of celebrating the ugly Christmas Sweater. This particular kind of sweater is a hideous mockery of fashion and good taste. They are inexplicably popular among the youth, particularly the hip youth. There are a few reasons to wear an ugly sweater, so let your freak flag fly.
1. Bad Taste
Intentionally bad taste says just as much about oneself as one’s good taste. Good taste is going out of the way to please. Bad taste is trying to offend. Seeing what someone deems to be offensive can highlight a previously hidden aspect of their personality. If you see a sweater you like, you may have just made a new enemy.
2. Warmth
Ugly or not, a sweater is a sweater. It’s going to keep you warm, and enhance your surely shapely form. Guys in sweaters look buff, girls in sweaters look curvy. If you want to be warm, wear an ugly sweater. The bonus is that no one is going to steal your warmth or you sweater. Who would want it? It’s ugly.
3. Tradition
You might not have a choice of whether or not to wear an ugly sweater. It might be a gift from a family member or significant other. It might be part of your office culture. If for any reason you’re obligated to wear such an ugly sweater, just do it. You can survive looking hideous one more day of your normally average looking life.
4. Competition
Make a game out of your ugly sweater. Try to find and rock the ugliest sweater you can find. From a thrift store, online, it doesn’t matter. If you happen to come across someone with an uglier sweater, challenge them to a contest, or offer them money, in order to get their sweater. You can be president of the ugly sweaters.
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