In the modern world, traditional office work is going the way of the dodo. Anything that needs to be done for the regular white collar job can be done at home. Typing, phone calls, appointments, all of it can be handled with a computer and a cup of coffee. The growth of at home workers has been stupendous. There are tips and tricks you can use while working at home to boost your productivity. Stick with us and you’ll soon be the best member of your digital office.—Home-Office.jpg
1. Schedule
If you’re working from home, make sure to keep a schedule. Set up the things you need to do for the day, and then do them. Having a regular schedule will boost your productivity. You go to bed at a certain time, you get up at a certain time. A certain time is for meals, and so on. Soon you’ll be a a well timed machine, delivering your work and feeling energized and alert. Make sure to practice strict discipline in this regard, so that you don’t falter in your goals.
2. Neato
A neat worker is a good worker. It might sound like a brainwashing tactic; it kind of is. If you keep your work space neat and nice, then you’ll be less distracted. Once you’re less distracted, you’ll be able to better focus on the task at hand. It’s tempting while at home to take a break and indulge in other business, but you must remain vigilant. Use the extra time you save from not commuting to get more work done and try new ways of doing things. Time is on your side.
3. Goal
You need to have a clear goal in mind while working from home. An office environment inherently stresses you to keep striving for something else to do so you don’t appear lazy. Home trains you that it’s ok to slack off. You need to find a harmonious balance. Perhaps clear a space in your home to be an “office” so that you can better separate work and play. Setting up a whiteboard in your kitchen might help you keep track of goals that you’re trying to beat.
4. Talk
Make sure you’re keeping in constant communication with other members of your team. Just because you’re not in an office building doesn’t mean you’re not part of an office. You need to always reach out to other members, especially if they haven’t reached out to you. We all carry phones that can make video calls, so there’s no excuse. The ease of collaboration is at an all time high, so make sure to use that to your advantage. Otherwise, you come off looking the fool.
5. Travel
One benefit from working from home is that you can technically work anywhere. Go on vacation, work from Tahiti, or Paris, or the Moon. anywhere with an internet connection is your friend. This allows you a fuller life with the same monetary gains. Don’t think like a stationary stone, think like a forward moving winner. Go somewhere, do some things, and turn that into productivity for work. If you’re going to be a futurist, you have to embrace it all the way.
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