Television shows are inarguably higher quality now than any time before. Advances in filming techniques and technology have made it so that TV shows can take on the texture of a miniature movies every week. Prime dramas like Mad Men and Game of Thrones are shot like films, with performances and stories worthy of praise for years to come. Comedies are starting to move away from canned puns and laugh tracks to well made humorous character studies. TV show are just so good and addicting, it’s hard take a break. Here are some signs you’re addicted to a show.
1. Conversation
The first sign you’re a TV junkie is if it’s all you talk about. It’s what you go to at work in the morning after discussing the weather and quality of the coffee. It’s what you tell your dates about in order to try to convince them you have fine taste. It’s what you peruse the message boards all night talking about, criticizing, and reviewing. That’s a sure sign that the TV show has taken control of your thought patterns. It also serves as a fantastic advertisement for the show, turning your friends into converts.
2. Time
You also know you’re a TV addict when you find yourself losing chunks of time. You turn on the TV, pour yourself a glass of wine or Sunny D, and next think you know it’s 3 A.M. and you’ve missed 4 phone calls. That’s true TV addiction. You know you’ve found your TV show when it just engrosses you so completely that you cease to pay attention to other things. You may suddenly stop shaving your beard, or wearing your make up. Any sacrifice is worth it not to skip the next episode.
3. Looks
You’re at a store one day. You see a cardigan or a deerskin cap. You feel compelled to buy it. Then, you buy its matching items, until you have a full set. Suddenly, you cut your hair different. Maybe start trying to see if you can rock glasses. Boom. One day you’re Liz Lemon, or Sheldon Cooper, or even Alf. You’ve subconsciously transformed yourself into your favorite character. IT happens to the best of us, and you can reverse it if you catch yourself in time. Make sure to stop before you start trying to replace your friends as well.
4. Empty Wallet
TV show addiction starts small. It starts with maybe you turn down a couple extra hours at work so you don’t miss the new episode. Maybe you fork over a few bucks a month for Netflix or Hulu. Then, you’re buying T-shirts and accessories for the show. Suddenly, you’re all in. You own every episode on DVD, BluRay, and specially made convention exclusive LaserDisks. The collector’s editions line your walls, as do posters and vintage props. You’re selling your plasma to buy more stuff. You’re fully hooked.
5. The End
All through your temporary euphoria, you seem so happy. Life is bright. The birds are singing. There’s one boogeyman that will get you though. It’s when your show ends. Te end is almost always the end. There are other avenues, yes. Sometimes there’s a movie. Sometimes you might get a spinoff. Maybe it’ll come back in 8 years as an online exclusive experimental collaboration piece. Even so, that glimmer of hope can’t stave off the inevitable If you think you’re a TV show addict, make sure to seek help. Maybe get into a good series of paperbacks instead.
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