Friday, February 7, 2014

4 Signs You’re Living in a Quirky Movie

Movies have always been a studio game.  In the early 90s, a new kind of film came into its own, and the independent film movement started to emerge.  Word of mouth and the new “internet” served as ads for these movies. The internet age we live in now has made them come closer.  These movies are often offbeat and quirky, and you might be living in one.  Take a moment and see if any of this adds up.  If so, just keep doing what you’ve been doing and see where it takes you.
1.  Hero
Do you sing randomly?  Are you cute as a button?  Do you have an outlook on life that might be classified as abnormal or foolhardy?  You might be the main character in a quirky film.  Those main characters normally would never work in the real world, but work under the films logic.  If you’ve recently met someone, they stand of chance of being your quirky potential mate.  You also might possess an exotic pet, or a telephone modeled after and item of food.
2.  Side
Did you read number one?  Does that not sound like you, but instead like someone you know, interact with often, and/or are close friends with?  You may well be a side character in a quirky movie.  Check to see if you have one stand out, mostly useless, specific talent.  I bet you’ve had to use that at opportune moments around the person described in number one.  You might be lucky and have a catchphrase.  Think about the things you say the most, and how quotable the are.
3.  Talk
A sure sign of living in a quirky movie is how everyone speaks.  Listen.  Then listen again.  Are people referencing movies/tv shows/books that seem pretentious or long buried to what would be described as a normal situation?  Is everyone lightning fast with their retorts?  Start thinking very carefully.  In the moments surrounding a major event, does someone just drop anchor and deliver a heartfelt speech defining themes about recent trials?  If so, you’re in deep quirk.
4.  Look
There’s a final test to just quickly ascertain whether or not your life is in fact a quirky movie.  Do things have a purposefully noticeable layer of film grain?  Are the colors overly bright or annoyingly blurred?  Does everyone dress like Macklemore’s Thrift Shop video?  To maintain their visual identity, quirky movies are made to look distinct, but not too distinct from other quirky movies.  IF you notice any of these trends, you’re going to be a welcome presence in dorms across the nation.

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