Who is the little monster in your home? Pets and children have a lot in common. Some people use one as a stand in for the other, and the behaviors cross over. The similarities between pets and children are numerous and astounding. Anyone who has spent time around both or either will reaffirm this. But what exactly i it they have in common? The Nation’s Journal is here with that hard hitting expose for you. Curl up with your favorite menace and read on.
1. Attention
Pets and kids alike crave your constant attention. Commonly known as the “look what I can do” effect, te small things living in your house need to know where you are and that you’re watching them at all times. Kids will call out for you, dogs will cry, cats will be very cross with you and try to injure you. You need to constantly reassure them them that you see them, and that they are in fact good boys or good girls. Saying it in a silly voice probably helps.
2. Trouble
The result of you not giving your child or animal enough attention is that it will likely go out and cause trouble. It might draw on the walls, or poop on the floor, or pee in the yard, or chew up the remotes, or knock over valuables from a very high up place. You need to keep a watchful eye on the things in your care, or they will get out of hand and start to break rules. Make sure not to discipline too hard though, you don’t want to be a total jerk.

3. Cost
Kids and pets alike both cost you a fortune and make your wallet very very sad. Dogs, cats, birds, kids, all of them eat so very much food. They burn calories through their tiny bodies at an incredible rate. They just keep eating and eating. Then there’s medical expenses, like vaccines and visits to their special doctors. Those kinds of things aren’t cheap. Then there’s education for school and obedience. I mean really, it’s a sinking investment no matter what.
4. Love
The biggest thing that pets and kids have in common is something you can’t really measure. It’s that special kind of love, that’s so pure and adorable, most people call it “wuv” because they say it in a mushy baby voice. If you take care of something vulnerable and innocent that lives with you, it’s sure to show you some crazy kind of pure affection. It tends to make the first three parts of this article worth it. Remember that next time they destroy something expensive, yeah?
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