BAH BAH BAHDAHDADADA! That's the opening Star Wars fanfare. You know it, your kids know it, your grandparents know it. Everyone but absolute Grinch people loves Star Wars. It's rich mythology and richer owners assure us that its wealth of ideas will be never ending. With Halloween right around the corner, Star Wars is also the perfect place to look for Halloween inspiration. All six movies and their various spin offs are full of neat stuff that you can crib into something to call your own. You'd be a Nerf Herder not to, and here's why:
1. A Problem, Age is Not
How old are is someone supposed to be before they stop partaking in Halloween? The answer is never ever. Star Wars provides costume ideas for any and all ages. When you or your kids are young, they can go as Ewoks or Yoda or even mini-droids. Star Wars characters short in stature are big in power. Regular aged people can go as Luke, Leia, Han,Vader, Lando, Mace Windu, Qui-Gon, or basically any other of the major characters in any of the movies. Getting older? No problem. Go as Obi-Wan. Getting old and bald? Go as Vader with no mask. You can't lose.
2. Creativity, You Need Not Have
The best part of being inspired by Star Wars is all your work can be done for you. Say you want to go as someone cool. Take your pick. You've got a space warrior wizard, a handsome smuggler, an evil space warrior wizard, and a bounty hunter to start. Want to go as someone exotic? Be a Wookie, or a Gungan. Everyone's ideas are already laid out for you. If you want to go as Han Solo, throw on a vest, a whit shirt, and some blue slacks. Boom. Want to go as Boba Fett? You can buy a full replica armor set and functional jet pack. There are characters for all levels of investment.
3. Recognizable, You Will Be
The best part of going to a Halloween party as a Star Wars character is not having to explain who you are to everyone at the party. Sure, you can go as James Joyce to a party, but have fun with everyone thinking you're Tom Wolfe, sucker. You can go in a robe and be Luke, or Anakin, or whatever Jedi you feel like, because people will get it. If anyone is even confused, all you have to say is "Star Wars" and people will just agree with it. You might even win costume contests over people who chose some other franchise. Star Wars makes you inherently more popular.
4. Couples Costumes, Star Wars is Full of
You don't have to stop walking the Ewok walk once you get yourself a significant other. Star Wars lends itself very well to couples and group costumes. Say you've gone as Princess Leia for years. Well, now your new beau can go as Han. If your new beau is portly, then they can pour a can of green paint on themselves and go as Jabba the Hutt. If you're Darth Vader, throw a cloak over your partner and suddenly they are Emperor Palpatine. If you're an X-Wing, then go out with the Death Star. You've made yourself a loving tradition that will last for years.
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