Saturday, October 19, 2013

How to Acquire the Power of Attorney


Power of Attorney is a serious issue that needs to be discussed in times of crisis.  The receiver of Power of Attorneys is granted certain rights over a person, like the control of business issues, money, or medical decisions.  This allows for coverage of decision making in the event of tragic or unforeseen circumstances.  Getting the power of attorney can be a tricky business, and needs to be taken care of thoroughly in order to have the decisions made hold up under scrutiny.
1.  Set Boundaries
Know the kind of power you need to be granted.  There is general power of attorney, which grants the recipient powers in a variety of affairs.  Then, there’s special power of attorney.  Special power grants specific parameters, for areas of control of money, health, patents, and other such affairs.  Think long & hard before making the decision.
2.  Know Local Laws
Like most matters, laws differ in different states.  You should consult a local lawyer, city hall, or state website in order to find out the specifics of granting or getting power of attorney.  Procedures and forms differ in different states.  In the event of the the person giving up the power being unable to sign for themselves, a supervisory person like a doctor or a lawyer can usually verify the transfer of power.
3.  Paperwork
Make sure to dot the “T”s & cross the “I”s!  Paperwork is absolutely key in getting power of attorney properly transferred.  If a decision made by the one in power, and it later comes under scrutiny, it needs to be supported if it is going to stand up in court.  If you can, stay in contact with attorneys or field specialists to keep everything on the proper track.
4.  Review Carefully
If you’re able, go over your paperwork with a lawyer or a notary or any associated expert.  By using the guidance of an expert, you can use the correct wording and language.  This in turn protects you from any person or institution that would seek to challenge your claim to authority.  Use caution and precision and you’ll be in the clear.

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