Money is a vital need. People will do anything and everything to get it. It's intoxicating and one of those things that will make someone change their nature in order to get it. Once you get it, the problem then becomes holding on to it. As fun as money is to have, it's much more fun to spend it. When you're not looking, it will just up and vanish. The key to being successful is being able to balance your acquisition of funding with the spending of it to get the things that you want. The line between practical and luxury is on you don't want to cross lightly.
1. Have a Steady Income
The most important idea is to have money coming in. It's all well and good to pursue a passion project or to spend your days living a carefree lifestyle. However, you need a steady income to support those lifestyles. Even if you hate it, working part time at a menial job is better than not working at all. Even if you don't like your job, putting more time and effort into it assures you have an income source that acts as a safety cushion for your life and lets you do what you want.
2. Budget
If you have a steady income, then you can work on a budget. Ideally you want to be taking in more money than you're spending. If you're spending more, having a budget will help you assess which area are costing you the most, and you can work to lower the speed my which you're running through your treasury. You can budget on a daily, weekly, monthly, or even yearly basis. Strict money management is a good habit which has a ripple effect on other management skills in your life.
3. Get a Better Job
This one isn't something everyone can do. The job market is and and has always been unfair and cut throat. That isn't a reason you can't keep looking though. Make sure to be performing well at your job, and always keeping an ear to the ground for opportunities. If you have the chance to advance in the world, don't be afraid to take it. Extra money doesn't solve every problem, but it does make it easier to deal with unforeseen circumstances. Always go after the position you want.
4. Food
Stop eating out so much! Restaurants are expensive. You're not just paying for the food, you're paying the salaries of everyone working there as well. There are so many choices for things to eat at home, and cooking isn't as hard as it seems at first. With just a little bit of planning, you can buy he right things when you're out shopping. With those right things, you can prepare meals at home that can last you a few days, and save you money by keeping you from going out.
5. Maintenance
If you own a car or any other piece of technology, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Regular maintenance on your car can prevent future wear and tear that leads to very expensive problems in the long run. Even if you don't know the first thing about cars, the internet is full of articles and video guides on how to fix most any problem. Computers and related items are the same way. By doing regular scans and checks, you can stop future problems from existing.
6. Credit
Credit cards are the great temptation. They seem like free money, but they come back to haunt you later on. Don't necessarily get rid of your credit cards, but do set strict parameters on when you're going to use them. Have one for buying expensive new things like a TV or furniture. Have one for emergency use only. Don't use it every chance you get. Reckless spending is guaranteed to bite you in the future. You need to keep a close eye on your wallet and make thought-out decisions.
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