Saturday, October 26, 2013

How to Get Your Student Loan Forgiven

If you're any kind of recent graduate, chances are you're up to your neck in loans and debt.  It's ok though!  There might be some light at the end of the tunnel.  It's not perfect, but there are options.  some agencies of the government offer alternatives.  You have to meet their qualifications, but it's worth a shot.  Now, know that it isn't a get out of jail free card, but it is a chance to lessen your monetary burden.  Let's explore these forgiveness options!
1.  The School Source
Talk to your school first, especially if you went to a prestigious college.  Those schools don't want a reputation for causing their alumni to go into debt.  Chances are your college will have some sort of program, or at least information on programs to help you relieve your debt.  If you're still in school, then try to secure scholarships and grants.  Just be persistent and keep fighting the good fight.  Something will come through eventually.
2.  Check Your Eligibility
If you're pursuing other debt forgiveness alternatives, make sure that you're pursuing programs along your eligibility requirements.  If you're pulling in a fortune at your new job, you're not likely to earn debt forgiveness so easily.  Think about your finances and credit history.  It's possible you can use your degree.  Some loan programs allow you some leniency in exchange for medical service.  Make sure to explore all your options!
3.  Be the Little Engine
Tell yourself that you think you can.  The power of positive thought is what's going to get you through your rough time.  If you see a chance, shoot for it.  you fail 100% of the time if you don't put in effort.  Apply for all grants and loans, apply for all programs that can help you, just apply for everything.  Take the time to write meaningful petitions.  You need to put in the effort equal to the debt you're trying to wipe away.  It's not easy, but it's a worthy cause.
4.  Money Talks
Keep in contact with whoever is in charge of your loan.  Be it a private bank or a government institution, they basically have control of you.  Stay informed and up to date on the institutions, and any new laws passed regarding student debt.  This is a rising issue, and the spotlight is on it frequently.  By staying in contact with your lenders, you may learn of a new program or out from your situation.  Never give up hope and keep your nose to the grindstone.

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