Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Howl-oween: Signs You (or a Loved One) Might Be a Werewolf

Ever wake up with no memory of the night before?  Do you have mysterious bruise?  Do you get unexplained murderous urges?  Maybe you find yourself a bit hairier than you'd like.  These are all classic signs of Lycanthropy, aka being a werewolf.  Also know by the less inclusive term of Wolfman, werewolves show up all over the world.  They are generally created by being bitten by another werewolf, having werewolf genetics, or being cursed by some form of spell caster.  If you're not sure if you're a werewolf, here's a handy list of symptoms.
1.  Full Moon Fever
Once a month, do you find yourself anxious and unable to rest?  Do you have animalistic urges?  Do you cook your steak extra rare?  Lycanthropy is generally brought on by the presence of a full moon.  Some magical property of the moon in ancient cultures instilled the belief that it had the power to affect mythic beings.  Ways to avoid doing any hard in werewolf form include locking yourself in a jail cell for the night, finding a way to bind your body in its transformed state, or somehow avoiding the full moon altogether.
2.  The Parent Trap
Did you grow up with parents that had a tendency of being absent?  Did they leave often?  Perhaps lash out for no good reason?  They were then most likely werewolves.  Werewolf abilities can pass along a family line, with the occasional skipping of a generation.  If your parents or grandparents were werewolves, you might be a werewolf too.  You need to sit down and have a serious talk with your kids or parents about the dangers of being a Wolfman.  It shouldn't be too difficult, since wolves tend to display a pack mentality.
3.  Silver Bells
Werewolves are notoriously weak towards all things silver.  This can manifest in a few different ways.  One version of weakness would be to suffer a feeling of faintness or illness when handling silverware.  You investment in silver bonds may suffer a hit whenever your lupine traits flare up.  You might even find that your weakness manifests as feeling the unstoppable urge to buy silver trinkets on sale at your local marketplace.  If you suffer any kind of silver weakness, make sure to consult your local shaman for some quick remedies.
4.  Mystic River
A likely cause of your new werewolf problems would be that you made the wrong people mad.  If you've recently ticked off a witch, or a wizard, or a traveling group of curse-happy troublemakers then you've likely garnered yourself a bit of an enchantment problem.  Despite not having been bit or born into it, this curse still carries the same weight.  There are a few ways to break it, luckily.  You could try apologizing to the offended party, and hoping they take mercy on you.  You could try a lawsuit, if you've got the guts for it.  The last resort is to just live with it, since it's cooler to be a werewolf than a wolfman.
5.  Reality Bites
If you've gone through this list and feel it applies to you, hold tight.  Before declaring yourself a magical furry outcast, consider the alternative that maybe you're just crazy.  You might feel like a beast inside, but come across as an aimless stray to everyone else.  As special as you would feel being an all powerful hell-beast, the much more likely option is that you're a little unstable.  So take heed, before stripping naked in a field.  Have an impartial third party observe you during a full moon to see that you're not just cuckoo.

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