Saturday, October 19, 2013

Playstation 4 vs. XBOX One

The next generation of video game consoles has already started with the arrival of the Wii U last year.  This coming November brings two more BIG contenders in the arena, with the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One.  The PS4 launches on November 15 and the Xbox One comes in on November 22.  The question is, how will you decide which one you want?  This Clash of Nation’s article with examine 4 key differences.
1. Price
Cash Register 99.99
This choice is pretty stark here.  The PS4 has  starting sales point of $399.99, and the Xbox One starts at $499.99.  That’s one hundred dollars of difference, and that’s just enough to be a lot.  That’s a game and a half.  If you’re a die hard fan of the Halo franchise or Microsoft, the Xbox still wins, but for everyone else it has to be the PS4.
2. Launch time
Launch of Discovery/STS-133 No.3, remote camera
How patient are you?  We live in a time where everything is getting delivered quicker and quicker.  The ps4 comes out a week earlier in addition to the lower price point.  Since most major games are available on all platforms, the difference once again comes down to how loyal your are to the Xbox brand.  Otherwise, the PS4 still wins.
3. Gizmos
Accessories are an important factor in distinguishing one product from its competition.  Many of the PS4 & Xbox One accessories are the same, but the difference is choice of actually needing them.  Each Xbox One has a required Kinect camera system included in the package, where as the PS4 has an optional PlayStation Move.  So if you don’t want it, go with the PS4.  If you don’t need it, it’s a personal decision.
4. Utility
A game system is a part of the family living room, even if it’s a family of one.  Both these systems double as content boxes.  Internet access, Netflix, eshopping, community message boards, all of it comes and goes from whatever system you choose.  On that front, they’re very similar.  Aside from choice of preferring Sony or Microsoft marketplaces, the use of the console as the media box is going to meet your needs.  It’s a tie.
5. Games
The real choice comes down to personal preference.  Games are made to be fun, and you won’t be happy unless you follow your heart.  If you’re loyal to the Xbox community and games, then go with that.  If you prefer the PlayStation family of games and community, then go with that.  In the end, your choice is your choice, but the edge looks to lie with the PlayStation 4.  So go, play hard, and have a great time.

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