Saturday, October 19, 2013

5 Cheap & Easy Halloween Princess Costumes That Will Save You Money


Halloween is coming up.  Say you’ve been invited to a party and you have to throw something together last minute.  Or maybe you’re just strapped for cash.  Well, don’t worry.  There’s plenty of popular and/or public domain princess who can inspire your costume choices.  Many of these choices can be solo, but they permit for a date in the guise of any Beast of Prince Charming.  Everyone will be wanting to hold your hand at midnight.  Don’t be worried, you’ll be the belle of the ball.
1. Snow White
A great costume for the taller ladies.  All one needs to do is dress up in a casual, innocent dress and bring 7 friends.  Preferably, the friends will all have varying dispositions and be shorter than Snow White.  If not, rock some platform heels for the night.  Trained animals could work too, but only if you have the utmost confidence.  If you can, put your 7 friends to work gold digging.
2. Cinderella
Cinderella is for the more adventuresome girl.  Since she went from a scullery maid to the a princess on the pumpkin express, have fun with that.  Make sure to wear a dress you don’t mind messing up.  Dirty it up before heading out, so it looks like you’ve been cleaning.  Eat and drink only pumpkin flavored food & drinks, so it’s like you just got out of a pumpkin carriage.  In addition, no one will judge you if you lose your shoes.
3. Mulan
Mulan isn’t strictly a princess, but it is a fun costume.  First off, dress as a male soldier.  Then, prove how tough you are to the whole party by winning everything.  Bob more apples.  Pin more tales on more donkeys.  Trick more treats.  Optional events include not cluing in your date to your true self.
4. Briar Rose
Otherwise known as the Sleeping Beauty, Briar Rose is a low maintenance costume.  Don’t do your hair, since you’re supposed to have bedhead.  In fact, your dress should be all ruffled as well.  Make sure to brag about your fairy gifts of wit, grace, and wealth.  The best benefit of this costume is it gives you a free pass to fall asleep during any boring conversations you might encounter.
5. Princess Leia
For the warrior/diplomat.  Wear a white sheet wrapped around yourself.  Make sure to have your hair up in two buns.  This costumes allows the wearer to be more active in rebelling against boring parties.  It also gives an excuse to make your date dress up as Han Solo.  You can also bring a pumpkin to smash, and claim it’s the Death Star.  Other guests will be sure to appreciate your party trick.

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